Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. This page informs you of our privacy policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data in our different apps and this webpage.


The webserver automatically collects a series of general data and information when calling the webpage. This general data is stored in the server log files. Collected data and information of the accessing system may contain the browser type and version, the operating system, the referring website from which an accessing system reaches our website, the sub-website, the timestamp of the access, an IP-address, the Internet service provider and similar data and information about the accessing device which can be used in the event of an attack on our IT systems. When using such collected data and information, we do not draw any conclusions about the data subject. We do not use any cookies nor analytics software. The Webpage uses fonts from google which are stored on our server locally.

App: Bee In Time

The iOS app Bee In Time does not collect ANY personal Information about you. Preferences and user input made in the app are stored locally on the device and are not transmitted to us.

App: Fixkosten

The iOS app Fixkosten does not collect ANY personal Information about you. Preferences and user input made in the app are stored locally on the device and are not transmitted to us.

App: Minigolf Caddy

The iOS app Minigolf Caddy does not collect ANY personal Information about you. Preferences and user input made in the app are stored locally on the device and are not transmitted to us.

App: FahrzeugFinanzen

The iOS app FahrzeugFinanzen does not collect ANY personal Information about you. Preferences and user input made in the app are stored locally on the device and within your personal iCloud account. Data is not transmitted to us.

App: ausgegeben

The iOS app ausgegeben does not collect ANY personal Information about you. Preferences and user input made in the app are stored locally on the device and within your personal iCloud account. Data is not transmitted to us.